SoftMirrors Ltd.
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Seismic Facies
Vp/Vs/Den Inversion
Geological Modeling
Time-Frequency Attribute (post-Stack)
Post-Stack Attributes
AVO/AVA Attribute  (Pre-Stack)
Time-Velocity Attribute (Pre-Stack)
Time-Radon Attribute (Pre-Stack)
Hybrid Attributes
Anisotropic Advisor
Seismic Petrophysical Property Inversion
Seismic Petrophysical Property Slice
Petrophysics Products
Geological Products
GeoMechanic Products
Reservoir Characterization

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Geophysics Solutions

Seismic Guided Solutions: seisSuperMan Seismic Geological Modeling

    Using well dataset and post-stack seismic dataset from GeoInversion

   Support Well-to-Well seismic dataset

   Advanced seismic horizons and fault picking and trace.

   Seismic horizons and faults management including load horizons from other system

   Building surfaces for each stratigraphic top/bottom and fault

   Building seismic target layers and modeling

    Group horizons, group faults and group layers

    Batch modeling for seismic 3D and pseudo-3D (2D seismic Lines)

    Seismic-tie calculation among seismic 2D lines based on seismic horizons




Seismic Guided Solutions: seisSuperMan*

    Support to generate both vertical and deviated borehole seismic synthetic

   Time-domain logs can be inserted into seismic along well trajectory

    Interactively adjust seismic synthetic to best match between seismic and synthetic, and between well markers and seismic horizons

   Depth domain logs to time domain logs

    Multi-well seismic synthetic for quality control and consistent






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