Well Evaluations:
- Well Logging Processing and Interpretation
- Permeable layer classification and analysis
- Well-to-Well Correlation
- CrossPlot Analysis
- Well Logs Playback
- Water-Flooded layer evaluations
- Hydrocarbon layer Evaluations
- Paper logs to digital logs
- Total Organic Content (TOC)
Seismic Attributes
- SVD-based AVO/AVA analysis
- Seismic 3D AVO/stack curvature attribute analysis
- Time-Frequency Decomposition
- Time-Velocity (Hyperbolic Radon) Transform
- Time-Radon (Parabolic Radon) Transform
- Compressional Velocity, Shear Velocity and Density
from AVO angle gathers
Hybrid Attributes
- Time-Frequency Attribute Analysis
- Time-Velocity Attribute Analysis
- Time-Radon Attribute Analysis
- AVO/AVA Attribute Analysis
- Post-Stack Attribute Analysis
- Horizon and Fault trace and pickup
- Layer Modeling
- Multi-Well Synthetic Seismic
- Time/Depth-Structure Maps
Seismic Petrophysical Property
- Volume of shale propagation
- Porosity propagation
- Velocity Propagation
- Density Propagation
- Water saturation Propagation
- TOC inversion
- Hydrocarbon Pore Volume Inversion
Seismic Petrophysical
Property Interpretation
- Seismic Petrophysical Property Slice Analysis
- Seismic 2D/3D Irregular seismic petrophysical
property to 3D Regular
seismic petrophysical property (Kriging Interpolation with Anisotropic Setting)
Seismic Petrophysical Property
Geostatistical Mapping
- Volume of shale Mapping
- Porosity Mapping
- Velocity Mapping
- Density Mapping
- Hydrocarbon Pore Volume Mapping
- TOC mapping
Reservoir Sweet Spot
- Cross Sand Thickness Prediction
- Net Pay Prediction
- Hydrocarbon Pore Volume Prediction
- TOC prediction
- Poisson Ratio and Young's Modulus
- Pore Pressure
- Minimum Horizontal Stress
- Fracture Detection
Fluid Prediction from seisLog
and logs
- Water Saturation Prediction
- Hydrocarbon Pore Volume Prediction
- Gas Hydrate Estimation
- Stack wavelet estimation using Conjugate Gradient
- Angle gather's wavelet estimation using Conjugate
Gradient from both single well and multi-well
Seismic facies analysis
- Seismic Pre/post-stack Attributes Extraction
- Hybrid Attribute Analysis
- Self-Organization Neural Network for seismic
facies classification and recognition
- Well suggestions
- Sand body analysis
- Sweet Spots identification
- Reserves Estimation