Characterization Solutions: geoDataMiner
Seismic and well
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) management
Geometry display of
post-stack seismic 2D Lines and seismic 3D InLines
Well position and
trajectory display
Well-to-Well path
definition and seismic attribute and property extraction
along the path
Interactive generation of
arbitrary line, and seismic attribute and property
extraction along the line (only support 3D project)
Interested area and
boundary definition
Sector segment for
anisotropic SeisLog propagation from both seismic
hybrid attributes and time-domain logs
Map scale ratio
Map colorbar & legend
Any Title and Text Input
Anisotropic SVR and
Kriging interpolation and contour mapping with fault
Interactively update
contour label and contour lines and zoom in/out
Time/Depth-structure maps
with fault
Multi-well permeable
layer list and analysis
Multi-well stratigraphic
formation list and analysis |